Grow Kits

Ultimate Mushroom Growing & Incubator kit
- 12 Ultimate ½ pint substrate Jars - Pressure sterilized
- Dual Design Growing,Incubating Chamber System 20" X 12" X 12"
- Holds up to 18 jars at a time!
- Digital Thermometer with Hygrometer/humidity gauge
- Electric 50W Submersible Aquarium Heater with adjustable thermostat
- Electric Air Pump, ultra silent
- Silicone Air filtration hose with HEPA filter built in
- Heavy duty Electric timer with 24 on/off settings per day
- 2 Grow lights, one incandescent and one LED
- 1 Gallon of Perlite- Fine, imported, specially formulated horticulture grade
- Hospital grade Latex Gloves
- Alcohol swabs
- Easy to follow growing guide with step by step instructions. Includes our secret tips, tricks and hints that other grow guides leave out. Includes how to incubate, how to fruit, casing methods, and quick way to dry your harvest in 24 hours
Organic Grow Kit’s Ultimate Mushroom growing kit is our best selling kit! Built for the beginner or the advanced grower looking to save time! This kit is completely automated! Perfect temperature and humidity are easily achieved for each stage of the process! Setup is a breeze and with 12 of our ultimate jars and room for up to 18, this kit simply out performs any kit in its price range!
We make growing mushrooms easy! All of our kits are extremely easy to use and require only 1 step to start your mushroom adventure! We take you through the entire process from start to finish. The PF style substrate jars are specially formulated to grow faster, larger and quicker than any other kit out there! Growing has never been easier!
The Ultimate Mushroom kit makes growing mushrooms errorless and effortless! Perfect growing conditions will be achieved no matter where you want to grow! The heater and air pump system integrates a HEPA filter to keep contamination out and fresh air in. The system will achieve perfect humidity levels with little effort!
This kit will be used as an incubator during the first few weeks. This allows for faster colonizing times! This kit will obtain perfect temperature and humidity levels without you ever being around! Complete Automation!
Our Ultimate substrate jars are the quite possibly the best on the net! We have worked for over 10 years looking for perfection! We finally found it! We have combined special organic brown rice flour with vermiculite, mineral water, Liquid worm castings and Bee pollen to create the Ultimate mushroom growing jars! We do not stock pile jars like other sites! We hand make every jar the morning your kit ships so your jars are the freshest possible! They are pressure sterilized at 15 psi in our Autoclave for 120 minutes.

Simple Mushroom Grow kit
- 6 Ultimate ½ pint substrate Jars- Pressure sterilized and ready to grow!
- Growing and incubating chamber
- Thermometer with Hygrometer/humidity gauge
- 2 Grow lights, one incandescent and one LED
- 1 Gallon of Perlite- Fine, imported, specially formulated horticulture grade
- Hospital grade Latex Gloves
- Alcohol swabs
- Easy to follow growing guide with step by step instructions. Includes our secret tips, tricks and hints that other grow guides leave out. Includes how to incubate, how to fruit, casing methods, and quick way to dry your harvest in 24 hours
Organic Grow Kit’s Simple Mushroom kit is a great place to start for the budget conscious grower. Our Simple kit is perfect for growing edible and exotic species of mushrooms.. We take you through the entire process from start to finish. The PF style substrate jars are specially formulated to grow faster, larger and quicker than any other kit out there! Growing has never been easier!
Our Ultimate substrate jars are the quite possibly the best on the net! We have worked for over 10 years looking for perfection! We finally found it! We have combined special organic brown rice flour with vermiculite, mineral water, Liquid worm castings and Bee pollen to create the Ultimate mushroom growing jars! We do not stock pile jars like other sites! We hand make every jar the morning your kit ships so your jars are the freshest possible! They are pressure sterilized in our Autoclave for 120 minutes.
Ready to Grow Mushroom kits
Ready to Grow Enoki Mushroom kit
Our Ready to Grow Enoki Mushroom kit is a delectable, cold-loving mushroom well suited for winter growing. Simply pour a cup of water into the kit, cover with a plastic bag and place it in a cold room, somewhere in your home. Bountiful crops of ivory-colored Enoki mushrooms will emerge within two to three weeks. Enoki mushrooms have a delicate flavor and are delicious in soups, salads and stir-fries alike. For those homes without a cold room, this kit can also be grown on a shelf inside a refrigerator. A small capped, long stemmed Enokitake mushroom grow in huge bunches, sometimes being hard to count. To activate, simply place it in your refrigerator.) Freezing does not harm this mushroom.
Our Enoki Mushroom Kit should be grown at temperatures between 35-60 Degrees or grown in the refrigerator
Ready to Grow Shiitake Mushroom Kit
Our ready to grow Shiitake Mushroom Kit is one of our most popular kits. This longtime favorite mushroom of Japan has enjoyed increased popularity in the United States over the last few years. It's distinctive, meaty texture and robust flavor make the Shiitake an appealing addition to any stir-fry, soup or gravy. Shiitake mushrooms also provide many health benefits! Recent studies have shown the ability of shiitake mushrooms to help protect us against cardiovascular diseases (including atherosclerosis) & many more immune boosting benefits.
This kit produces an abundant amount of mushrooms and is easy to fruit. Simply activate the kit by adding fresh water and within 10 days mushrooms will grow. They can be harvested every 2 weeks for up to 16 weeks!
Our Shiitake mushroom Kit should be grown at temperatures between 62-80 degrees.
Ready to Grow Reishi Mushroom Kit
Our ready to Grow Reishi Mushroom kit is in a class of its own. It can be steeped into a delicious tea that imputes a heightened sense of well-being. The Reishi mushroom is reputed to stimulate the autoimmune system in order to fight off common ailments such as colds and flus, as well as more serious illnesses such as aids and cancer. It is also reputed to increase sexual prowess. This is by far the easiest kit to use. Simply place the unopened kit on a table or shelf inside your house and watch the coral-like Reishi mushroom develop. This mushroom may grow for up to a year in its self-enclosed growing chamber before harvesting
Our Reishi Mushroom Kit should be grown at temperatures between 70-82 degrees.
Ready to Grow Pearl Oyster Mushroom Kit
Our Ready to Grow Pearl Oyster Mushroom Kit is the simplest and most forgiving kit for the home cultivator. Even those without a green thumb can enjoy great success growing oyster mushrooms. Just place the kit in a corner somewhere in the house and let it sit unattended. Large clusters of gourmet, fan-shaped mushrooms will soon emerge. Oyster mushrooms are delicious either pan-fried in olive oil/butter with garlic or added to your favorite sauce or gravy. After a couple of months of production indoors, this kit may be then broken up and used to inoculate an outdoor compost pile, where it may continue to produce mushrooms for months.
Our Oyster Mushroom Kit should be grown at temperatures between 60-78 degrees
Easy Mushroom Drying Kit
This kit includes everything you need to dry your mushrooms perfectly! There is no better way to prepare them for storage than to dry and preserve them the right way. Our Easy Drying kit combines two of the best desiccants we have tested for drying mushrooms. Guaranteed perfect results every time even in the most humid climates!
This drying kit can be used over and over! Dry pounds!
This kit includes:
- Clear 6.5 Quart Container
- Mesh 0.5 mm separation screen
- 10 oz of Calcium Chloride Desiccant
- 4 oz of Sicilia Gel Desiccant with color changing crystals
To re-use the kit simply bake the desiccant at 250 degrees for 60 minutes in the oven and let cool briefly and they will be ready for use again!
Hygrolid Mushroom Storage System
Hygrolid system is the perfect storage solution for your dried mushrooms. Most of our customers end up growing much more than they can consume! There has always been a question on what is the best way to store dried mushrooms so they do not go bad. Our Hygrolid system is the answer!
The Hygrolid system:
- Protects against mold
- Prevents over/under drying
- Monitors the crucial final stages of drying
- Measures Relative Humidity (RH) in wide-mouth canning jars
- Built with stainless steel, assembled with food grade materials
Typically the shelf life of dried mushrooms is 3-6 months. The Hygrolid system dries, cures and stores your mushrooms at top flavor/potency for a year or longer!
Midwest Grow Kit's Hygrolid system comes complete with 1 Hygrolid, 1 Quart storage jar (store up to 20 ounces of dried mushrooms) and 2 silica drying packs.
Our Hygrolid system can also be used to store Spore Prints, Herbs, Spices, Tea, Tobacco, Cigars and much more!