Rye Spawn Bags
Organic grow kit's Organic Rye berry spawn bags are the perfect add-on to any of our kits, simply inject 3-4cc's of your favorite grain or dung loving spores into the self-healing injector port and that’s it!
If you want to grow mass quantities, our amazing spawn bags are an easy solution. Each bag will produce around the same as 12 ½ pint substrate jars
Each bag contains 3 pounds of nutrient-enhanced organic rye berries and a mixture of distilled and mineral water fortified with gypsum, diammonium phosphate (a fertilizer/nutrient to provide an adequate amount of nitrogen, and correct PH) and other nutrient enhancing herbs and minerals. Each spawn bag has a built in filter patch for gas exchange and a self healing injector port for effortless and error proof inoculation.
These bags are guaranteed to arrive to you 100% sterile and ready to inoculate! Each spawn bag is sealed with a heat sealer, and pressure sterilized at 15 PSI for 120 minutes.
Medium Spawn Bag w/ Self Healing Injector Port - $3
2 Organic Rye Spawn Bags - $20
Wild Bird Seed Spawn Bags
Our Premium Organic Wild Bird Seed Spawn Bags are a favorite for advanced mushroom growers. Wild Bird Seed is one of the best substrates to start your bulk growing project. This proven substrate is very quick to colonize and breaks apart easily when spawning to many different mediums like Straw, Manure, or Coir.
Each bag contains 3 pounds of nutrient-enhanced Wild Bird Seed and a mixture of distilled and mineral water fortified with gypsum, diammonium phosphate (a fertilizer/nutrient to provide an adequate amount of nitrogen, and correct PH) and other nutrient enhancing herbs and minerals. Each spawn bag has a built in filter patch for gas exchange and a self-healing injector port for effortless and error proof inoculation.
These bags are guaranteed to arrive to you 100% sterile and ready to inoculate! Each spawn bag is sealed with a heat sealer, and pressure sterilized at 15 PSI for 120 minutes.
2 Organic Wild Bird Seed Spawn Bags - $20